
The config.json file gets generated (if not already existing) by clicking on the BibFormatter.jar

Configuration Files

Config file location: ./Data/config.json


Setting Default Description
entryOrder list of keys The default list to order keys inside an entry
typeOrder list of types The default list to order entries inside a bibliography
overridePublisher false If set to true the generatePublisher command will override any already existing publisher value if a doi was found.
defaultMonthFormat name The default style to format the value of the month key (e.g. name=jan number=01)
defaultPagesFormat double The default style to format the value of the pages key (e.g. double=– single=-). Changes will effect the symbol between the two page numbers.
encloseNumerals false If set to true every value inside the bibliography will be enclosed with {} even if its just a numeral.
indentStyle tabs Define the indent style of the keys and values.
indentSpaceAmount 3 The amount of spaces before each key.
indentValueColumn 12 The column every value will be placed at.
writeEmptyEntries false If set to true it will export keys with empty values.
doiStyle raw Set the default style to format the doi. (raw/doi/proxy/url/prefix)
defaultCharacterMap unicode2latex Set the default character map file name.